Healing Properties: Blue kyanite’s energy is cool and not forceful, and it encourages calm, rational thought. It opens the Throat Chakra, as well as the Bindu Visarga*, so facilitates meditation, and aids a quick transition between states of consciousness. It is an attunement stone, and useful in connecting and communicating with one’s spirit guides, Angels, or higher powers. Kyanite is very directional. Held or worn vertically, it is profoundly centring. Physically, it can be useful in alleviating pain due to fibromyalgia, and other muscle diseases or injuries, and is particularly helpful in treating ligament and tendon damage, as well as reducing swelling in the affected area. Blades of kyanite are sometimes used to comb through and cleanse the body’s energy field.
* The Bindu Visarga is a point at the back of the top of the head.